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Functional Medicine is an evidenced-based systematic approach towards chronic health conditions to provide personalised solutions to the root causes of underlying imbalances and deficiencies.  



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Coaching is helping with behaviour change that lasts. I listen, support and motivate you on your journey. I combine coaching within the Nutritional Therapy packages, to help incorporate diet and lifestyle changes. 


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If you regularly feel bloated, gassy and tired, Colonic Hydrotherapy may

provide the answer you've been searching for. It can help boost your energy, flatten your tummy and promote regularity.


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Nutritional Therapy is the application of nutrition and lifestyle medicine in promoting personalised care. Andrea is a Registered Nutritional Therapy practitioner following the Functional Medicine framework.


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Nutritional Therapy

A Nutritional Therapist treats each individual to be unique and personalises recommendations on diet and lifestyle changes rather than using a “one size fits all” approach.


Your programme is tailored specifically for you, taking into consideration your health journey, your goals and priorities.


I use functional medicine approach and might run functional tests to inform the recommendations that are based on your results and might prescribe therapeutic supplements. 


Personalised nutrition is relevant for individuals with chronic conditions, anyone with persistent digestive issues, skin problems or feeling tired all the time. But anybody looking to enhance their health and wellbeing might also benefit from working with me.


However recommendations are not a replacement for medical advice; I many times work alongside medical professionals to support individuals’ wellbeing.

Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine concentrates on the individual, with a thorough examination of the client’s history and their health as a whole and performing root cause analysis.


Through nutritional and lifestyle consultations, mindset transformation, functional lab testing and supplement support, all the recommendations are personalised for every single client to help improve their health and well-being immediately and for the long-term. 


Compared to other Functional Medicine Practitioners who after the root cause analysis will send you away with a plan to see you again in 4-6 weeks, my approach is very different.


I work with you in a 12-week programme incorporating Functional Medicine root cause analysis, Nutritional Therapy, as well as coaching to support you with diet and behaviour changes all the way through the programme - not to ever feel alone and wonder what & how to implement next.  

Nutritional Therapy
Functional Medicine

Health & Wellness Coaching

Just as each one of my clients is different, so is my coaching approach. As a coach I offer non-judgemental, respectful support to assist my clients on their path to improved health and wellbeing, whatever their needs or situation.


As a Functional Medicine Health Coach I educate and help my clients understand their body's better, offer tools and accountability when they implement new lifestyle changes, motivate them using positive psychology techniques, and guide them trough dietary changes and food plans. 


We also celebrate success and encourage progress. 



Colonic Hydrotherapy

Colonic Hydrotherapy is the cleansing of the colon with the gentle infusion of warm, filtered water. It’s sometimes referred to as Colonic Irrigation or simply, Colonics.


The Colon (large intestine or bowel) is where we store waste and over time, faecal matter accumulates along the walls of this organ. Toxins present in the faecal matter can seep through the intestine walls and into the bloodstream, affecting other parts of the body – which is why it’s so important to pay attention to the health of your colon.


Everyone would benefit from a colonic, but definitely those with digestive conditions. 

Health & Wellness Coaching
Colonic Hydrotherapy
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What if you could fix your digestion naturally? 

Are you tired of feeling bloated every time you eat any food and worried to have the most embarrassing symptoms when you have an important meeting to attend? I've got you covered. Download this free eBook to learn what to do to achieve a better digestion naturally.   


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© 2023 by Andrea Okos

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